Q: What problems/challenges do you have with nutritional supplements?
Our answer:
Unfortunately the supplement industry wants you to buy every single nutrient separately - thats how these companies make their money. We don't believe that is ethical or fair, especially for women who are trying to manage real issues with their health. This is why we formulated one supplement product to treat the major nutrient challenges black women are facing.
Q: Do you believe nutritional wellness supplements contribute to your overall wellbeing?
Our answer:
Nutritional wellness affects every area of our health from a cell level. This is why eating well is important. We know that life can be busy and unpredictable which is why having a trusted multi can help to support you during the day.
Q: When was the last time you purchased a nutritional supplement?
Our answer:
Buying supplements should be easy which is why we are offering bundle offers so you can remain consistent and reach your wellness goals.
Q: Which of these nutritional supplements have you bought recently?
Our Answer:
Did you know that most vitamin D supplements in the market are not potent enough for black women? This is because they are designed to meet the needs of the 'national average', which is a 25 year old white male. This means that you are spending more money to purchase more products and not getting the results that you are looking for. No more. This is the reason why we exist. We specialise in wellness products made for black women.